
AstraZeneca was ranked #50 on the 2019 Global 100, a list ranking corporations across the globe based on their overall sustainability practices (Forbes, 2019). AstraZeneca has made a strong commitment to include sustainable practices in their business model, focusing on social, environmental, and government matters. Sustainability drives innovation; this helps companies to create new products and services that will benefit the planet, the people, and at the same time profits (Porter & Kramer 2011). It was stated in the Harvard Business Review that companies that incorporate sustainability practices have higher stock returns and avoid costly controversies with local communities (Eccles, Serafeim, 2013). 

Based on the known statements of how sustainability can benefit a company, we are looking to answer the following questions:
     -  How does AstraZeneca perform based on the GRI Guidelines?

     -  What are AstraZeneca’s materiality issues and does focusing on them lead to better

     -  How does AstraZeneca focus on the Triple Bottom Line and create shared value? 
